With more than 30.000 students at associate degree, bachelor, MSc and PhD level, Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) was founded In 1970. ESOGU has more 1300 well- qualified academic staff at 12 faculties, 4 vocational schools and 4 graduate schools and 31 research centres.
In the main campus, various facilities such as the central library, cafeterias, sports hall, semi-olympic swimming pool and hotel are available for the students and staff. In the central library, 1000 readers can make use of the library at the same time and apart from the reading halls, there are study rooms for researchers which are open 24/7.


The language of instruction in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, International Relations, English Language Teaching, Comparative Literature and Faculty of Theology are fully or partially in foreign language.
The Research Hospital under the Faculty of Medicine has been serving the public and conducting research since 1976 with a 900-bed capacity and an area of 110.000 m2ESOGÜ received the first Erasmus Charter in 2004 and more than 1500 students and 200 staff from ESOGÜ have attended Erasmus mobilities in 15 years. We received about 150 students for study/training and 80 staff for teaching/training under Erasmus+ Program. Since 2006 the University has been providing Diploma Supplement to each ESOGU graduate.


More children who need Technological Support Dependent palliative care patient are discharged from the University Research Hospital, which is the only Pediatric Intensive Care Unit that provides third level service in our region every year compared to the previous year. Currently, there are 55-60 pediatric patients who are followed by us in Eskişehir and neighbouring provinces, whose tracheostomy and gastrostomy are opened and who continue their lives with medical support devices.


Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) the Distance Education Center has been working to offer high-quality academic programs and seamless services to students who take online courses. The centre collaborates with faculty members to develop new online courses and programs, including creating a shared curriculum, materials, and resources. The centre is leading a collaborative effort to provide 21st-century services for students who take online courses.


ESOGU Corporate Communication Application and Research Center is a department responsible for conducting activities of the university on communication, public relations and corporate promotion. The centre produces videos and any other visual materials to deliver the information in the University to the public. For this purpose, the centre collaborates with faculty members to develop new video contents. In addition, manages the corporate website and social media channels.


The skills and expertise of key persons; 

Kürşat Bora Çarman

Kürşat Bora Çarman (Pediatric Neurology) is Professor in Pediatrics, and Head of Department of Pediatric Neurology, ESOGU Faculty of Medicine. His main scientific focuses are children with neurological disorders. He has 43 international, 20 national articles, 7 book chapters and 78 papers.

Meltem Dinleyici

Meltem Dinleyici (Department of Social Pediatrics) is an Associate Professor in Pediatrics, and Head of Department of Social Pediatrics, ESOGU Faculty of Medicine. Her main scientific focuses are on well-child care, assessment of growth, immunization, care of children with chronic diseases, vaccination of children with chronic disease. She has 25 international, 7 national articles, 4 book chapters and 63 papers. She is still Head of Child Protection Application and Research Center.

Ömer Kılıç

Ömer KILIÇ (Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases ) is Professor in Pediatrics, and Head of Department Pediatric Infectious Diseases, ESOGU Faculty of Medicine. He is working in the field of tuberculosis, meningitis, invasive bacterial diseases, which are the main infectious diseases seen in children. He has 31 international, 15 national articles, 3 book chapters and 84 papers.

Gürkan Bozan

Gürkan Bozan (Department of Pediatric Intensive Care) is Assistant Professor in Pediatrics and works on Department of Pediatric Intensive Care in ESOGU Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Bozan’s main scientific focuses are pediatric critical care medicine, emergency management and treatment of critically ill children, resuscitation and ventilation, mechanical ventilation. He has 14 international, 7 national articles, 6 book chapter and 7 papers. He participated in emergency and medical treatment of children in Van earthquake in September 2011.

Zeynep Yurtseven Avcı

Dr Zeynep Yurtseven Avci is working at ESOGU as the Director of Distance Education Application and Research Center. Her areas of expertise include innovative educational technologies, developing teaching materials using technology for different fields, the contribution of technology use to learning in the classroom and communication and collaboration tools..

Funda Ergüleç

Dr Funda Ergulec is working as Assistant Director of Distance Education Application and Research Center and Faculty Erasmus Coordinator of Faculty of Education. Dr Ergulec’s research interests include educational technology, instructional design, and design and development of distance learning courses.

Erkan Yetik

Erkan Yetik carries out server maintenance, server stress tests, checking and monitoring the updates of learning management systems, system backup and transfer of course contents in his position at the Distance Education Center.


Oytun Meçik

Assoc. Prof. Dr Oytun Meçik is the Director of Corporate Communication Application and Research Center. He participated in scientific research projects of ESOGU Scientific Research Projects Office and TÜBİTAK.

Sibel Kuşca Güngör

Dr Sibel Kuşca Güngör is working at the Corporate Communication Application and Research Center as a lecturer and she is the supervisor of the Media Unit of the Center. She is organizing the video studies of the Center and writing scripts for them.

Tuncay Erdogan

Tuncay Erdogan is the cameraman and photographer of Corporate Communication Application and Research Center. He shoots videos and takes photos of the events of the University. He also participates to the promotional video projects of the centre as the cameramen.

Ahmet Aydın

Ahmet Aydın is the video editor of Corporate Communication Application and Research Center. He edits every video produced and shot by Corporate Communication Center.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 October 2023, 1:18 PM