Eskişehir AFAD is one of the 81 provincial organisations of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), which is affiliated to the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Interior. 
Eskisehir AFAD is responsible for; 
- ensuring coordination and cooperation between all institutions in case of any emergency and disasters,
- setting organisations in motion to take measures,
- disaster and emergency response,
- preparing disaster risk reduction, response and recovery plans,
- preparing society against disaster risks.

Recep BAYAR (Manager)

Manager of Eskişehir AFAD. I worked in the management of the intervention, planning and coordination and temporary shelter center in various disasters that occurred in our country and province. I continue to work to assess the disaster risks of our province and to create a disaster-resilient society.

Hakan SARIBACAK (Branch manager, geological engineer)

I graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Department of Geological Engineering. I worked as a geological engineer in Düzce Environment and Urban Planning Directorate and as a Branch Manager in Düzce AFAD Directorate. I have been working as a Branch Manager in Eskişehir AFAD Directorate since 2018.

Zekai AYDIN (Chief) 

I work as a chief at Eskişehir AFAD. I worked in urban and underwater search and rescue and crisis management tasks in disasters and emergencies. I'm a member of the board of directors of NGOs in the field of humanitarian aid, cultural and sports. I'm interested in the writing and execution of European Union projects.

Murat AKKURT (Search&rescue expert)

Search and Rescue Technician. I work in the Project Unit of Eskişehir AFAD. I took part in tasks such as earthquakes, flood, forest fires, mining accidents and getting lost in our country and province. So far, I have actively participated in various trainings, exercises and 5 EU Erasmus+ projects.

Ahmet ERBİN (Survey Engineer)

I have been working as an engineer at AFAD since 2010. I take part in disaster risk reduction, planning, and recovery work. In addition, I carry out EU projects in the fields of vocational and adult education.

Volkan ERYİĞİT (Data preparation and control expert)

I have been working in AFAD since 2011. I have been actively involved in various tasks such as earthquake, fire, flood, mining accident and disaster and emergency situations in our country, population mobility in shelter centers, camp management, and I am also involved in EU Erasmus+ projects. 

Mehmet Artun BAKİ (Construction engineer)

Artun BAKİ is a civil engineer in the Recovery Department of Eskisehir Provincial Directorate of Disaster and Emergency. He is currently an MSc candidate in the civil engineering department at Middle East Technical University. His research focuses on earthquake engineering and structural dynamics.
Pēdējās izmaiņas: Wednesday, 2023. gada 1. February, 16:16