The Asociacion de Investigacion de la Industria del Juguete (AIJU) is a private not-for-profit organisation. AIJU was inaugurated in 1985 and currently has near 500 associated

companies and a team of more than 80 experts. AIJU has agreements with chambers of commerce and helps entrepreneurs and companies to design their development plans. AIJU's
staff is a multidisciplinary team that allows covering projects from technological and social topics: Psychologists, Sociologists, Educators, Economists, Designers, Market Analysts, IT
programmers, Engineers.
AIJU is a technology centre that is at the forefront of ICT technologies. It also provides a vision of the World of Work in educational projects, providing real case studies and adapted to
reality. Regarding ICT AIJU is a centre with agreements with Shools, VET centres, Universities and students come to AIJU in order to perform computer practices or end practices of
university masters. AIJU has developed research projects on learning using mobile devices, games and augmented reality technologies. Several JCR publications and patents have
been developed.
AIJU has developed its own software for Augmented Reality. Moreover, AIJU has a team of experts in 3D design, animation, augmented reality programming and game development.
It also has educators and experts in tailored suits to various targets. AIJU have also experts have UNITY 3D system and we have developed several projects with SMEs for creating
AIJU is devoted to research in the following areas:
ICT: Development of applications, videogames, digital animations for mobile devices (tablets, smartphones,...) in several platforms (android, iOS,...), eLearning, data mining, cloud
Augmented Reality and 3D, Virtual Reality, Chroma Key Advanced System, Test with End-users.
Health: Sports, therapeutic leisure (design of proposals adapted to the target, games and therapeutic or preventive game-oriented applications), development of bespoke products for
customization, surgical planning/ teaching, specialized products, game-oriented ITC platforms. Test with End-users.
User Requirements and Validation with users (focus on children, elderly people and mothers): Pedagogic & therapeutic questions and design of didactic materials for children and
disabled, aged people, etc, product validation with end-users (with a panel of more than 7000 families), sociological & market studies.
Product development: Customized products by means of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing technologies for disabled, high tech sports articles, etc., graphic and industrial
design, electronic prototypes development, moulds adjusting/adapting & functionality providing, etc.
AIJU is an active member of the committees that set the standards both in the National and International level and a member of several forums as well as national and European
Platforms like EPSI (European platform for sports innovation), ISO TC 261, AM Plattform, RM European, EuMAT, Manufacture.
AIJU is highly experienced in carrying out R&D European projects, ranging from past FP4 to FP7, as well as many other programs (CIP, Life+, Eurostars, JTI initiatives, etc.). It has

also great experience in coordination of technical WPs as well as Dissemination & Exploitation WPs

AIJU is a technology centre that is at the forefront of ICT technologies, with more than 70 professionals in our staff, AIJU has a multidisciplinary team that allows covering projects from
technological and social topics. It also provides a vision of the World of Work in educational projects, providing real case studies and adapted to reality.
In line with the current proposal, AIJU has extensive equipment that is available to the development of the project: Touch Device and Holographic Visualizer, VR glasses and VR
controller for use in smartphones, HTC Vive, 4K camera, HD 360º camera, 3D scanner, Goggles HD screen display for First Person View, Sony PlayStation VR, Chroma Key
Advanced System.
AIJU has an experienced multidisciplinary team:


 She holds a degree in Pedagogy and Educational Sciences and a Graduate Certificate in Dementia and Alzheimer Disease (Psychological Studies College). She works as a Project Manager in the Therapeutic Leisure for Health Department of the Toys Research Institute (AIJU). She also provides consulting to toy companies to optimize the quality of recreational and educational products. She has participated in both national and international research projects associated with the therapeutic use of play and new

technologies, play and healthy living, and play and learning. She carries out research projects related to disability and leisure, and how the combination helps to improve the quality of life of users.


He is an Industrial Design Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and holds the title of “Specialist in industrial technologies for the design of plastic parts and children’s products”. He has a Master's Degree in Product Design from the Barcelona School of Design. He works as a technical specialist in Product Development and Rapid Prototyping at AIJU. He is an expert in part and mold design with NX Siemens PLM software. He has participated in several works related to reverse engineering. He has participated in various projects as a specialist in design-oriented product development and prototyping. It also provides consultancy to toy companies to optimize the quality of recreational and educational products. He has participated in both national and international research projects related to various ICT technologies..

Mr Alfonso López 

is an expert in virtual developments. He is a computer programmer. All his work experience has been involved in ICT developments. He works in AIJU since 2007.
He develops training and consulting actions for industry working closely with enterprises which give his expertise in ICT and computer technology services. He has participated in both
national and international research projects associated with ICT developments. He has extensive knowledge in: animation and modelling in Blender, Unity3D, video game
development, game development with Construct2 (HTML5), Augmented Reality (Vuforia and Layar), Application development software, etc.

Mr Ignacio Segui 

Industrial engineer. Official Master on eLearning and social networks. He is currently developing a PhD related to eLearning and ICT, especially applications based
Personal Learning Environments. Since 1995 he has been working as a technical specialist in the area of Innovation and Management. He has participated in many projects at both
European and National level and acts as a consultant for companies in the development of new products and project management. Expert in new methodologies for e-learning,
adaptive learning, mobile learning, etc He is expert in LMS platform like Moodle, Sakai, Lamps, Atutor, etc. He led a MOOC related to ICT. He has two design patents and several
publications related.

Ms Tamara Aguilar

.She is an Industrial Design Engineer and holds a Material Engineering as a complementary education by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She works as a
technical specialist in R & D Projects in AIJU, specializing in the area of Games and Information Communication Technologies. She is expert in design, animation and game
development. She has participated in several projects related to the lines: “Design contents for Augmented Reality and Mixed”, "Application of ICT to games of high therapeutic value
for improving the quality of life of older people" and "Application of advanced visualization game development promotion physical activity.” Collaborate on research projects related to
"Games ICT to improve professional training" and "Game and advanced technologies for education and learning." Currently working on the development of European projects, and
actively participates on behalf of the Centre "meetings and reviews" of such projects.

Mr Alfonso López 

is an expert in virtual developments. He is a computer programmer. All his work experience has been involved in ICT developments. He works in AIJU since 2007.
He develops training and consulting actions for industry working closely with enterprises which give his expertise in ICT and computer technology services. He has participated in both
national and international research projects associated with ICT developments. He has extensive knowledge in: animation and modelling in Blender, Unity3D, video game
development, game development with Construct2 (HTML5), Augmented Reality (Vuforia and Layar), Application development software, etc.

Última modificación: Thursday, 2 de March de 2023, 10:05